Package org.janux.util

The org.janux.util package contains handy utilities that we have collected along the way.


Interface Summary
RandomReadableStringGenerator Interface for a class that generates random string codes of varying length; such generators can be used to generate passwords, alpha-numeric identifiers for orders, or mock data; this interface heavily inspired by Stephen Ostermiller's RandPass utility class
RandomStringGenerator Interface for a class that generates random string codes of 128bits; such generators can be used to generate passwords, alpha-numeric identifiers for orders, or mock data;
Sorteable Simple interface for entities that may be assigned a sort order; this field may be left null, in which case the comparator is left to decide whether this is permissible, whether entities with a null sort order should come first/last, and how entities with null sort order should be sorted among themselves

Package org.janux.util Description

The org.janux.util package contains handy utilities that we have collected along the way.

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