Package org.janux.bus.persistence

The org.janux.bus.persistence package is an infrastructure package that contains the key Persistent interface that represents common fields that are defined across persistent entities; this package also contains abstract interfaces for various flavors of Data Access Objects.


Interface Summary
DataAccessObject Deprecated. use GenericDaoReadOnly and GenericDaoWrite
GenericDaoReadOnly<T,ID extends Serializable,S extends SearchCriteria> Interface for a Data Access Object that can be used for a single specified type domain object for read operations.
GenericDaoReadOnlyWithFacets<T,ID extends Serializable,S extends SearchCriteria,F extends Enum<F>> A data access object that uses a variation of the Fly Weight Pattern to retrieve specific subsets of an entity's object graph.
GenericDaoWrite<T,ID extends Serializable> Interface for a Data Access Object that can be used for a single specified type domain object for write operations.
Identifiable Defines a random alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the objects.
Persistent Defines an integer identifier that can be used to denote persistent classes
Versionable Interface for implementing objects that expose the creation and last modification date of an entity.

Exception Summary
EntityNotFoundException RuntimeException used to denote that we could not load an Entity from persistence using its primary key or natural key, although we expected the entity to exist; used to denote an application error, rather than, for example, a mistyped business code on a UI.

Package org.janux.bus.persistence Description

The org.janux.bus.persistence package is an infrastructure package that contains the key Persistent interface that represents common fields that are defined across persistent entities; this package also contains abstract interfaces for various flavors of Data Access Objects.

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